in Southern Gironde
Explore the protected nature of the South of Gironde! The Landes de Gascogne Regional Nature Reserve offers an exceptional biodiversity through its vast pine forests and diversified landscapes. Enjoy the lakes and rivers for relaxing moments by the water. Hiking lovers will be delighted to discover the numerous paths weaving through the region, offering stunning views and unforgettable experiences. Don’t miss the Forêt d’Art Contemporain, a unique project uniting art and nature, or the magnificent parks and gardens embellishing our region, perfect for a peaceful stroll or a picnic!
See contentThe natural sites
of the South Gironde
Lakes and rivers
The South of Gironde is home to many lakes. To enjoy numerous activities and discover the rich biodiversity of our natural areas, go to the Lac de Taste in Captieux, the Lac de la Prade in Bazas or the Lac de Sigalens. Fishing trips, beautiful hikes and rustic picnics await you there!
For lovers of biodiversity, naturalist visits around the Lac de la Prade or the Domaine de loisirs d’Hostens are also available. In Hostens, you can also enjoy numerous activities: swimming in the Lac de Lamothe, water sports, hiking and mountain biking.
Through the South of Gironde flow three rivers: the Garonne, the Canal de Garonne and the Ciron. All of them offer revitalising landscapes and walks. Along the Garonne, this wild and relaxing river, observe the plaices and the herons. More surprising, the tidal bore offers a unique spectacle. This wave challenges surfers, kayakers and paddlers, amateurs as well as professionals.
Discover the Canal de Garonne, which links Toulouse to Castets-et-Castillon, where it flows into the Garonne. This remarkable work has no fewer than 53 locks! This listed UNESCO World Heritage Site is the perfect place for a ride on the cycle path along the water, in the shade of the plane trees. You could even have the chance to observe the narrowboats in the marina.

Parks and gardens
A rich and fragile area
In the medieval city of Bazas, discover the Sultan’s Garden, the Chapter Garden and the Promenade de la Brèche, below the old ramparts.
Many famous figures have trodden the parks and gardens of the South of Gironde. We invite you to follow in their footsteps and to stroll in the gardens of our historical castles and wine estates. Among them, the gardens of the Château Royal de Cazeneuve (listed historical monument and Natura 2000 zone), the gardens of Château Filhot in Sauternes and the gardens of Château d’Yquem which offer a remarkable view of the Sauternes vineyards.
Finally, the park of the Domaine de Malagar, which used to be a source of inspiration for the famous writer François Mauriac, offers one of the most beautiful views of the hillsides of Saint-Macaire and of the valley of the Garonne.